
Coding exercise for accessing the Star Wars API

Primary LanguagePHP


The Star Wars API

This Laravel application is a coding exercise to create a small wrapper for accessing the swapi. The instructions for the exercise were as follows:


  • Build a REST API to connect to the Star Wars API
  • Include a readme on how to interact with the API
  • Include tests

Endpoints to build

  1. Return a list of the Starships related to Luke Skywalker
  2. Return the classification of all species in the 1st episode
  3. Return the total population of all planets in the Galaxy


The base URL for the endpoints is https://your.server/api/v1

The general pattern for the api is BASE_URL/{entity}/{search_term}/{optional_relation} where the search term is the name or title of the entity.

The available relations for each entity vary. For example, a vehicle entity will contain a pilots relation, while a planet entity will contain a residents relation, though both are actually referencing a list of people entities. If the optional relation is omitted, the response will contain only the result of the search, and you will be able to see the available relations in the response.

The swapi offers the following entities

  • people
  • films
  • starships
  • vehicles
  • species
  • planets

However, this is not an exhaustive wrapper. As such, the entity in the URI is limited to

  • people
  • films
  • planets


To get the data for the endpoint #1 mentioned above, the URI would be /people/luke/starships

Endpoints number 2 and 3 are built to be a bit more specific, so while the same general pattern will still apply when using the films or planets entities, there is a specifically formatted response for the following URIs.

Endpoint #2 would be /films/hope/species, or if you prefer, /films/menace/species

And #3 would be /planets/population