Learn children to count and (their fathers) to program. DART.
Put in usual Blog simple counting examples, 2+7 4+5 and ask children to
write sum of counting expression. Valuate, if sum is right.
Later there would be other countings; dividing, minuses and division. All VERY simple.
Later this could be complicated...
But because i want to promote DART here, so we put there next phase:
IDEA_2 .. and learn their parents to program.
Under the examples we put the actual program code, wich does these GET - SET / ASK numbers
(numbers must be between 0-9, and not amount more than ten..
And also code that does the actual calculations.
This is to let children ( and their parents) to see, how this is done.
This code should be elegant, because it is for to
- Promote DART
- In educational BLOG things should be done VERY elegantly. No mistakes, no lousy code... This is why I myself can not do this code now.
PROBLEM: Is this code to be dane using JavaScript? Maybe... BUT There might be only translation to DART visible here
So here this idea is...
I should put more code sometimes...
int Summa = 0;
int Luku1 = 0;
int Luku2 = 0;
main(){ print('Simple DART-program to Learn Children to Count and their fathers to program'); print(''); print('Learn to count, for to be Counted On!'); print('Learn to program, for not to be programmed!'); print(''); getnumberstocount(); docount(); print('You are counted on, You are not to be programmed'); }
void getnumberstocount(){ Luku1 = 3; Luku2 = 4; }
void docount() { Summa = Luku1 + Luku2; print(Summa); }