
🚀 This repository contains the website source code for https://fluentemoji.com. This website allows for browsing Microsoft's "familiar, friendly, and modern emoji". Including additional features such as: browsing supported skintones, swapping illustration styles, and quickly downloading the source images

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🚀 Fluent Emoji

This repository contains the source code for the website https://fluentemoji.com.

This website allows for browsing Microsoft's "familiar, friendly, and modern emoji". Including additional features such as: browsing supported skintones, swapping illustration styles, and downloading the source images for quick reference and reuse.

The source emoji are from the Open Source Fluent Emoji repository hosted on Microsoft's GitHub page.

Getting Started

This repository leverages VSCode's devcontainer feature to ensure all necessary dependencies are available inside the container for development.


To get started:

npm install && npm start

This will start the application on your local machine, running on http://localhost:5173/.


All application deployments are managed via GitHub Actions and the ./.github/workflows/deploy.yml workflow.

Additionally, application dependencies are automatically managed and updated via Dependabot and the ./.github/workflows/automerge-dependabot.yml workflow.