
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." ― Leonardo da Vinci

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Backdrop-js (Monorepo) inactive

This project no longer maintain here in this location.

Moved to valet-central

Developer Guide

Getting Started

git clone git@github.com:thinkholic/backdrop-js.git
cd backdrop-js

Duplicate packages/server-nodejs/.env.example to packages/server-nodejs/.env, and update keys as needed.


  • Server - yarn start:server
  • Frontend - yarn start:frontend


  • Run yarn build to build compined version of both backend and frontend.
  • Build will be created in the root named ${appName}-${version}


  • Zip ${appName}-${version} directory.
  • Create a new release here for particular version. (Name it with the version)
  • Upload ${appName}-${version}.zip there
  • Release


  • As the project is in early satge, we keep numbers of project in same repository.
  • Primary branch is master, and strongly recommend to avoid pushing changes to master branch directly.
  • Always use feature branches.
  • Alyways put active WIP PRs in draft stage
Branch names
  • Use feat/<awasome-feature>-[issue-id] naming conventions for feature branches
  • Use fix/<good-fix>-[issue-id] for bug fixes
  • Use chore/<task>-[issue-id] for regular tasks
PR naming
  • Use feat: <My Awesome Feature> naming conventions for feature titles
  • Use fix: <That fix> for fixes
  • Use chore: <Regular Task> for regular tasks
Commit messages

Apply labels appropriately for each issues when created:

  • epic
  • story
  • bug
  • feature
  • feature-request
  • enhancement
  • documentation
  • question
  • help wanted


  • comp:cli
  • comp:frontend
  • comp:node-jsondb
  • comp:server

Labels for maintainers:

  • wontfix
  • invalid
  • good first issue
  • duplicate
  • freez


  • priority:high
  • priority:medium
  • priority:low

API Docs

Check postman collection


Error: Cannot find module '/backdrop-js/node_modules/@backdropjs/jsondb/dist/index.js'. Please verify that the package.json has a valid "main" entry

cd packages/server-nodejs
yarn remove @backdropjs/jsondb
yarn add @backdropjs/jsondb

This will fix the problem for now.