
Primary LanguagePython

YOLO_v1 Pytorch

Pytorch Implementation of YOLO-v1

  • Implementing YOLO_v1
  • Training on VOC2012 dataset
  • Check Data Distribution and re-train

Evaluate result

Class AP Class AP
Aeroplane 0.60619 Bicycle 0.47130
Bird 0.55775 Boat 0.38349
Bottle 0.18921 Bus 0.58153
Car 0.58516 Cat 0.82333
Chair 0.28463 Cow 0.41928
Diningtable 0.48143 Dog 0.70814
Horse 0.57312 Motorbike 0.49198
Person 0.55924 Pottedplant 0.16912
Sheep 0.49356 Sofa 0.47690
Train 0.74119 Tv-monitor 0.48420
Total mAp 0.50404
  • It seems cannot really detect small objects such as bottle and pottedplany, etc.
  • Guess need to check data distribution

Some Detection Example from VOC2007
