Extends the notification center with additional features.
- header and inline css can be defined (automatic inlining support)
- additional salutation tokens for the currently logged in frontend user and the form (##salutation_user##, ##salutation_form##)
- the lost password module now has a separate jumpTo for changing the password
- ics files can be generated on the fly out of notification center tokens and will then be added to the attachments
- Create your notification as usual.
- Add the token
to the attachment tokens in the message'stl_nc_language
record and activate the option at the bottom of the form. - Now you can add the tokens to the different fields to your wishes.
Notification center plus adds context tokens, like environment variables, and page information to the token array, as these are not available if sending later per cron.
Token | Example |
##context_tokens## | true |
##env_host## | www.example.com |
##env_http_host## | www.example.com |
##env_url## | https://www.example.com |
##env_path## | https://www.example.com |
##env_request## | https://www.example.com/en/testpage?query=test&submit=true |
##env_request_path## | https://www.example.com/en/testpage |
##env_ip## | |
##env_referer## | https://www.example.com/en/home |
##env_files_url## | TL_FILES_URL |
##env_plugins_url## | TL_ASSETS_URL |
##env_script_url## | TL_ASSETS_URL |
##date## | 30.03.2017 |
##last_update## | 29.03.2017 17:05 |
##page_id## | 2 |
##page_pid## | 1 |
##page_sorting## | 1056 |
##page_tstamp## | 1490106980 |
##page_title## | Home |
##page_alias## | /en/home |
##page_type## | regular |
##page_pageTitle## | Homepage |
##page_language## | en |
##page_robots## | index,follow |
##page_description## | null |
##page_redirect## | permanent |
##page_jumpTo## | |
##page_url## | |
##page_target## | |
##page_dns## | www.example.com |
##page_staticFiles## | |
##page_staticPlugins## | |
##page_fallback## | |
##page_adminEmail## | |
##page_dateFormat## | d.m.Y |
##page_timeFormat## | H.i |
##page_datimFormat## | d.m.Y H.i |
##page_createSitemap## | |
##page_sitemapName## | |
##page_useSSL## | |
##page_autoforward## | |
##page_protected## | false |
##page_groups## | false |
##page_includeLayout## | |
##page_layout## | 1 |
##page_mobileLayout## | 0 |
##page_includeCache## | |
##page_cache## | false |
##page_includeChmod## | |
##page_cuser## | 0 |
##page_cgroup## | 0 |
##page_chmod## | |
##page_noSearch## | |
##page_cssClass## | |
##page_sitemap## | map_default |
##page_hide## | |
##page_guests## | |
##page_tabindex## | 0 |
##page_accesskey## | |
##page_published## | 1 |
##page_start## | |
##page_stop## | |
##page_newsCategories_param## | |
##page_youtube_template## | |
##page_youtubePrivacy## | |
##page_youtubePrivacyTemplate## | |
##page_dlh_googlemaps_apikey## | |
##page_mainAlias## | home |
##page_mainTitle## | Home |
##page_mainPageTitle## | Homepage |
##page_parentAlias## | home |
##page_parentTitle## | Homepage |
##page_parentPageTitle## | Homepage |
##page_folderUrl## | home/ |
##page_rootId## | 1 |
##page_rootAlias## | example-website |
##page_rootTitle## | Example Website |
##page_rootPageTitle## | Example Website |
##page_domain## | |
##page_rootLanguage## | en |
##page_rootIsPublic## | true |
##page_rootIsFallback## | true |
##page_rootUseSSL## | |
##page_rootFallbackLanguage## | en |
##page_trail## | [1] |
##page_hasJQuery## | 1 |
##page_hasMooTools## | |
##page_isMobile## | false |
##page_template## | fe_page |
##page_templateGroup## | templates/example.com |
##page_outputFormat## | html5 |
##pageTitle## | Homepage |
If you want to check for a condition inside your message, you can use the following example:
Association: {if form_association!=''}##form_association##
{if form_association!=''}
- must use no quote for the L-Value
- must have no space between the L-Value and the oparator
- must have no space between the operator and the R-Value
- the L-Value or R-Value represent the key within the token array $arrData['form_association'] = 'heimrichhannot'
You now have the option to use overridable properties available in heimrichhannot/contao-haste_plus also in this module. Simply add code similiar to the following to a "sendNotificationMessage"-Hook
public static function sendNotificationMessage(Message $objMessage, &$arrTokens, $strLanguage, $objGatewayModel)
$arrTokens['overridableProperties'] = ['email_sender_address', 'email_sender_name', 'email_replyTo', 'email_subject'];
$arrTokens['overridableEntities'] = [['tl_calendar_events', $intEventId]];
is the entity in whose dca you called General::addOverridableFields() in order to add overridable fields from other dca's. Please see General::addOverridableFields()
and General::getOverridableProperty()
in heimrichhannot/contao-haste_plus for more details.