
Course material for the Seminar on Advanced Methods Winter Term 2016

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Course material for the Seminar on Advanced Methods Winter Term 2016


This course aims at discussing advanced computational methods in seismology, extending the basic methods encountered in the lecture on computational seismology in the summer term. In addition we learn (in more depth) some basic tools for code development (github, Jupyter notebooks). Some of the methods we will discuss are 1) advanced finite-difference concepts (optimal operators, summation by parts operators), 2) finite-volume methods, 3) discontinuous Galerkin methods, and others.


Participating students will prepare basic theoretical concepts, simple python-based notebooks, and possibly report on some applications of methodologies in geosciences.

Date and Location

Wednesdays 11:00-12:30, begin November 2, 2016 Room C111


Date Topic Presenters Misc
Nov 2 GitHub T. Megies Introduction, Applications
Nov 9 Optimal FD operators (Geller) T. Taufiqurrahman Notebook ready
Nov 16 SE on planets R. Joshi Notebooks in seismolive or other
Nov 23 FD summation by parts K. Duru New notebooks?
Dec 2 Special Seminar Supercomputing in Earth Science H. Igel, T. Thiel 18:00 Luisenstr. 37 C106
Dec 7 FE linear B. Chow, A. Verna Notebooks seismo-live
Dec 14 FV method S. Anger, H. Khoshkhoo Notebooks seismo-live
Jan 25 DG method A. Rijal, S. Singh Notebooks seismo-live
Feb 1 Parallel programming D. Vargas New notebook with PythonMPI
Feb 8 Parallel programming Part 2 D. Vargas New notebook with PythonMPI

Potential topics

  • Optimal Operators (Geller), update notebook with analytical solution, quantify accuracy
  • Introduction to homogenization, develop simple notebook with example for acoustic wave equation
  • Simple flux schemes in the finite-volume method, test on extremely heterogeneous case, compare with finite-difference method
  • Improved finite-difference techniques (summation by parts), development of simple 1D and/or 2D notebooks
  • Octree meshes for boundaries, develop notebook from Matlab code (Varduhn)
  • The discontinuous Galerkin method, basic theory, fluxes, heterogeneous case, applications
  • Parallel programming with (python-) mpi, simple examples
  • Simulation of planetary objects (e.g. Instaseis)