Geophysical Data Analysis (MSc Course)


Course Schedule

In case there are problems with the internet connection, please go forward with the slides and the Jupyter notebooks! The solutions to the Jupyter notebook exercises will be provided later! The best strategy is to download the entire repository and work on the notebooks locally. Best practice is, if you immediately make a copy of a downloaded notebook in order to always have an original. Then modify the copy!

Part 01

  • The focus is on understanding the Fourier methods
  • continuous Fourier series
  • discrete Fourier series
  • continuous Fourier transform
  • discrete Fourier transform
  • Gibb's phemomenon
  • Sampling theorem, Nyquist frequeuncy
  • Simple spectra
  • Tapering, zero-padding

Part 02

  • Spectral Estimation
  • Tapering
  • 0-padding
  • Demeaning
  • Application to free oscillations
  • Time-frequency analysis

Part 03

  • Power spectral densities
  • Linear systems in geophysics
  • Convolution/deconvolution

Part 04

  • Simple filters
  • Butterworth Filter
  • Low/High/Bandpass
  • Causal/acausal filters
  • Application to seismic data