Node Angular4 CMS

A simple CMS using nodejs and Angular4


  • Platform: node
  • Framework: express
  • Template Engine: handlebars
  • CSS Framework: bootstrap
  • CSS Preprocessor: sass
  • JavaScript Framework:
  • Build Tool: npm
  • Unit Testing: mocha
  • Database: mongodb
  • Authentication: email,facebook,google,twitter,github,vk
  • Deployment: heroku

Before start

$ mongo
> use nodejs-cms
> db.createUser({user: 'demouser', pwd: '123', roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ]})

Start development

$ npm i -g gulp
$ gulp

You can add more seed (each seed is a collection) to app/seed folder


  • User authentication
  • Multilanguage support


[x] Search function [x] default guest role (in E:\Dev\NodeJS\nodejs-starter-app\app\services\auth\authorization.js) [x] test nodemailer on sendgrid, normal