
Primary LanguageHCL

Vault Hashicorp with Terraform

This repository provides an example setup for deploying HashiCorp Vault with high availability using the Raft consensus protocol on a Kubernetes cluster, using Kind. Additionally, it includes the configuration to enable Prometheus to scrape metrics from Vault, using a Vault-generated token for authentication.

Vault Deployment Overview

Vault High Availability

The Vault cluster is configured for high availability (HA) using the Raft consensus protocol. This setup ensures that there is no single point of failure, providing robustness and reliability for secure secrets management.

Vault Unsealing Process

Currently, the Vault cluster can only be unsealed manually using the default Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm. The unsealing process is a manual task, requiring direct intervention whenever Vault is sealed.

Raft Cluster Pod Configuration Table

Pod Name Node Name Role Leader Voter
vault-0 worker-1 server Yes Yes
vault-1 worker-2 server No Yes
vault-2 worker-3 server No Yes

Prometheus Monitoring Integration

Prometheus and Vault Integration

The module includes the configuration to allow Prometheus to scrape metrics from the Vault server. This integration is enabled by using a Kubernetes secret that stores a Vault token with appropriate policies for accessing Vault's telemetry endpoint. This setup allows Prometheus to authenticate with Vault and securely scrape metrics data.

Terraform Module Configuration

This Terraform module deploys and configures monitoring components, including Prometheus and Grafana, in a Kubernetes cluster. It also sets up Kubernetes Ingress resources for both Grafana and Prometheus.

Module Variables

Name Type Description Default Value
grafana_admin_user string The username for Grafana admin login. admin
grafana_admin_password string The password for Grafana admin login. Must be provided as a secret. ""
grafana_prometheus string The URL of the Prometheus server to be used as a data source in Grafana. N/A
namespace string The Kubernetes namespace where Prometheus and Grafana will be deployed. monitoring
grafana_ingress_config object Configuration object for the Grafana Ingress resource. See details below. {}
prometheus_ingress_config object Configuration object for the Prometheus Ingress resource. See details below. {}

grafana_ingress_config Object

Field Type Description Default Value
name string The name of the Grafana Ingress resource. grafana-ingress
host string The hostname for accessing Grafana via Ingress. grafana.keywe.dev
service_name string The name of the Grafana Kubernetes service. grafana
service_port number The port number of the Grafana Kubernetes service. 80

prometheus_ingress_config Object

Field Type Description Default Value
name string The name of the Prometheus Ingress resource. prometheus-ingress
host string The hostname for accessing Prometheus via Ingress. prometheus.labspace.home
service_name string The name of the Prometheus Kubernetes service. prometheus-server
service_port number The port number of the Prometheus Kubernetes service. 80

Module Outputs

Currently, this module does not define any outputs. You can add outputs as needed for your infrastructure requirements.

Example Usage

module "monitoring" {
  source = "./monitoring"

  grafana_admin_user     = "admin"
  grafana_admin_password = "securepassword"
  grafana_prometheus     = "http://prometheus-server.monitoring.svc.cluster.local"
  namespace              = "monitoring"

  grafana_ingress_config = {
    name         = "grafana-ingress"
    host         = "grafana.example.com"
    service_name = "grafana"
    service_port = 80

  prometheus_ingress_config = {
    name         = "prometheus-ingress"
    host         = "prometheus.example.com"
    service_name = "prometheus-server"
    service_port = 80