
Simple rails app for practice, to record the movies you watched. Your personal silver screen tracker.

Primary LanguageHTML

My Movies History

Hi! This is "My Movies History". It's just a simple Rails application implementing CRUD, mostly for learning purposes. I'm using:

  • Ruby version 2.4.1p111 (2017-03-22 revision 58053)
  • Rails version 5.1.5
  • Bootstrap 4.0.0
  • jQuery 3.3.0
  • Vue.js 2.4.2 (Gem)

I started creating a simple database with scaffolding for storing infos about movies, and added Bootstrap to the pages to make it responsive and Vue.js on 'new' and 'edit' forms so the movie cover image from the user-provided link can be previewed instantly on edit/creation.

How to install

First, have ruby installed on your machine: $ sudo apt-get install ruby-full

Then, install rails gem: $ gem install rails

Clone this repo by running: $ git clone https://github.com/heitorado/MyMoviesHistory on the desired destination folder

Enter on the folder using $ cd MyMoviesHistory

Inside the folder, run $ bundle install to install required gems, then run

$ rails s to start rails server on port 3000

Finally, use $ rails db:migrate to migrate the db created with scaffold

You can then access the app by typing: localhost:3000 On your favorite web browser and pressing enter.

Suggested/Planned Features

  • Login and auth system
  • Short comment about the movie made by the user - less than 140 chars - the comments would be arranged on the 'view' page under the movie card
  • Backgrounds/Color study
  • Automate image selection (auto search and suggest a link)
  • Suggest actor names and link with IMDB
  • Navbar with movie film theme


This app was built mostly for learning purposes, so feel free to use is as a reference or starting point for your projects. I would also love to learn new things so feel free as well to send a pull request adding some enhancements or correcting some mistakes I might've done :)

Made with ❤ by Heitorado