
Simple, non-spec compliant and insecure HTTP server made in Ruby. Just for learning purposes.

Primary LanguageRuby

HTTP Server from scratch

Built with ruby. It is not spec-compliant neither secure (yet?)

This was just a holiday toy project, following the screencast made by Destroy All Software.

To run the server and access the link.txt file (curl):

killall ruby; ./server.rb&; sleep 1; curl -v ''

To run the server and execute the executable rb file (curl) :

killall ruby; ./server.rb&; sleep 1; curl -v ''

To run the server and get a not found error (curl):

killall ruby; ./server.rb&; sleep 1; curl -v ''

To run the server and access the link.txt file in the web browser:

killall ruby; ./server.rb&; sleep 1; open ''