This project consists of a REST API, being part of the Trybe Web Development Course. The API is a blog management system. It enables users to create, visualize, delete, and update blog posts, as well as a categogy list to classify the posts. All routes require authentication based on JWT.
Heroku was used to make the API deploy. following is the API link:
The complete API documentation was developed using Postman. You can access the documentation with comments and examples for all routes using this link.
The project is based on the MSC architecture. However, the ORM (Object-relational mapping) Sequelize was used to manage the operation with the database. Thus, the main files are divided into services to perform validations, and controllers to receive and respond to user requests.
MySQL was used for the database in this project. However, as Sequelize was used, the database was create and configured using models, migrations, and seeders. These files are insede the database folder.
The Blogs API Project was developed using the following technologies and libraries:
Here is a guide to installing the project locally. Each step is followed by a command to perform the described action. In case of having any doubts, problems, or feedback, please, contact me.
Step 1. Create a local directory using mkdir
mkdir project
Step 2. Change to the created directory:
cd project
Step 3. Clone the project:
git clone
Step 4. Change to the cloned directory:
cd store-manager
Passo 5. Install all dependencies of the project:
npm install
Step 6. Run the application
npm run start
The application should start running in your terminal.