
Pin Identification and Extraction

Closed this issue · 8 comments

@heitzmann , How can we identify the pins that are present in the leaf cells (bottom hierarchy) of a layout, and export them to the top level of the layout?? Is this possible in gdstk?

How are the pins represented? There's no "pin" object in GDSII files. If they are paths or polygons, you can use get_polygons with the appropriate layer/datatype info. If they are nodes, gdstk doesn't have support for those, unfortunately.

Pins are text on metals(M1,M2..) which are used to clear the lvs, and also indicates on which metal the signal should come.
I am creating pin on a metal(M2) but the text is getting created by polygon. Will this text give any DRC error.??
I am viewing my cell in virtuoso, in virtuoso we can directly create a pin on any metal, while the created pin using gdstk is not getting recognized in virtuoso.
Also, i have one request, please add different font type while creating a text or label.

I see. In that case, text objects are called labels in GDSII, and they are created with the Label class, not the text function (that's for creating polygons from a string - after creation, the polygons behave like any other polygons and will interfere on DRC).

Regarding the font issue, I have no time to build another font, which is quite a lot of work, but fell free to create a PR if you wish do it.

Thank you for your help, also i want to know how can we flip a cell horizontally, i..e we the left side of the cell becomes the right side and the right side becomes the left side.

You can use a reference setting rotation=180 and x_reflection=True.

I did that, but the quadrant in which the cells is, got changed from 1 to 4 quadrant, i..e the x-axis is changed from x to-x. Is there any way so that the x-axis doesn't get changed, i..e, the cell is mirrored in its place only?

Yes, add a translation vector to the transform to take the cell to desired position after the transformation.

I am viewing my cell in virtuoso, in virtuoso we can directly create a pin on any metal, while the created pin using gdstk is not getting recognized in virtuoso.

You need to use the appropriate options during strmin or oasisin, such as -objectMap or -pinAttNum, or write SKILL or OaScript code to find your Labels on your metal:pin layer:type and then convert them into Pin objects