
Missing Python 3.12 wheel file for Windows

github-young opened this issue · 2 comments

There is no wheel file for Python 312 on the Windows platform on PyPI by the time this issue was filed.

It turns out that the "3.12" term is missing in the GitHub Actions file.

python-version: ["3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11"]

Could you please add this missing file? Thank you.

Python 3.12 is not working on Windows in Github actions: https://github.com/heitzmann/gdstk/actions/runs/7990757750/job/21820267931

If you know any solution to this issue, feel free to open a PR!

In addition to the pip-tools issue, this issue says conan 1.x is not compatible with Python 3.12 either.