
Create jigsaw puzzle pieces

Primary LanguagePython

The Jigsaw Piece Maker

A jigsaw puzzle pieces generator that levels the playing field.

Currently in use by Puzzle Massive to create puzzles with 5000+ pieces.

It creates jigsaw puzzle pieces in multiple formats: svg, jpg, and png. The number and size of pieces are set by passing the script different options. It takes a while to run if doing a lot of pieces. It currently uses potrace, and imagemagick convert subprocesses. Extra JSON files are created with details on size of pieces and adjacent pieces information which is commonly used when verifying that two pieces can join together.



Python Packages:

Other Software needed:

If on ubuntu or other debian based distro:

$ apt-get install imagemagick potrace libffi-dev python-libxml2 libxml2-dev python-lxml

Install with pip in editable mode for developing and use virtualenv to isolate python dependencies:

$ virtualenv . -p python3
$ source ./bin/activate
$ pip install -e .


See the script.py for more. Not everything has been implemented, but to create 100 randomly generated jigsaw puzzle pieces:

piecemaker --dir test  --number-of-pieces 100 test.jpg