30 days of React Native examples/demos.
This project is inspired by
100 Days of Swift (http://samvlu.com/) &
30DaysofSwift (https://github.com/allenwong/30DaysofSwift)
Require node.js & xcode
$ npm install
run ios/ThirtyDaysOfReactNative.xcworkspace
$ react-native run-android
Add Android Support.
iPhone Compatibility. -
Add OSX Support. (https://github.com/ptmt/react-native-desktop)
Add UWP Support when it is released. (https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2016/04/13/react-native-on-the-universal-windows-platform/)
Compatible with iPhone 4, 5/5s, 6/6s, 6+/6s+.
##Known Bugs
- A warning occurs from package react-native-swiper
Solution here: https://github.com/leecade/react-native-swiper/pull/113/commits/e681a8e5f347efbf10b445647321b1f0865e31a4
- PNG format images won't update on day14 tinder switch.
An IOS-system-like stop watch.
Fully functioned as the system app.
An IOS-system-like weather app.
The animation is partially done.
The Twitter app entrance animation.
Using CocoaPods with React Native.
An example with JTSImageViewController.
MapView and find Geo location.
Spotify welcome screen/
Pan gesture basic. Move a baseball around.
Google map style swipe menu
Layout of Twitter user page
Tumblr menu animation
Using OpenGL with React native
Reference: https://github.com/ProjectSeptemberInc/gl-react-native
Charts with React native
Reference: https://github.com/tomauty/react-native-chart
A tweet UI
A tinder swipe
A time picker
Unlock with gesture
Native search bar and Fuzzy search
Sortable. drag and reorder the blocks.
Unlock app with touchID
Sigle page Reminder
Multi page Reminder
Google Now
Local WebView An example using D3.js
Youtube scrollable tab
Reference: https://github.com/brentvatne/react-native-scrollable-tab-view
Custome in-app browser
Reference: https://github.com/d-a-n/react-native-webbrowser
Swipe and Switch
iMessage Gradient. The chat bubble changes its gradient color with its pageY.
Reference: https://github.com/brentvatne/react-native-linear-gradient
iMessage Image Picker.
Quick action with 3D Touch. Quick action on launching days.
Push Notification.
ThirtyDaysOfReactNative is under the MIT license.