Graphql Apollo sample


npm install

Graphql Playground

When the application is running, you can go to http://localhost:3000/graphql to access the GraphQL Playground. See here for more.


# query {
#   cats { 
#   	id,
#     name,
#     age,
#     owner {
#       name,
#       age
#     }
#   }
#   owners {
#     id,
#     name,
#     cats {
#       name,
#       age
#     }
#   }
# }

query {
  # cats(filter:{ ownerId:2}) {
  #   id
  #   name,
  #   age,
  # }
  cats(filter:{}) {

# mutation {
#   createCat(createCatInput: { name:"haha", age: 9}) {
#     age,
#     name
#   }
# }

# mutation {
#   deleteCat(id:1) {
#     id,
#     name,
#     age
#   }
# }

# mutation {
#   updateCat(updateCatInput:{ id:1, name:"qwe111", age:6}) {
#     id,
#     name,
#     age
#   }
# }