- 2
Connected to serial port but coulnd't read serial number before timeout: check if TIC is connected and active
#57 opened by hubreHA - 2
Index production non visible
#56 opened by FabTangi - 1
Suite intégration version 3.0.0 beta4
#49 opened by pjeantaud - 22
Problème dans la définition de la couleur
#52 opened by Anoxym - 4
- 3
Déconnexion Tic
#39 opened by DizHell - 4
Connection impossible via SerialServer
#48 opened by bagl3y - 5
Quelques remarques concernant le mode standard
#53 opened by pjeantaud - 2
- 2
plus de classe d'état
#47 opened by yves67 - 14
Error in historic mode: 'b'
#26 opened by wkup - 2
Error in historic mode 'b'
#35 opened by Sebcrypto - 2
- 8
Plus de remontées suite passage en version os 12
#34 opened by DizHell - 1
- 2
Linky G1 pilote non reconnu (ADS 67)
#41 opened by jipem01 - 2
- 23
2 appareil détecté
#27 opened by DizHell - 1
how about sanitizing strings in sensors ?
#37 opened by ggrandou - 15
Prise en charge mode standard (+tri)
#20 opened by flety-emmanuel - 1
Energie injectée sur le réseau
#36 opened by medassi - 10
Index re-Injection
#16 opened by ToyNBoys - 29
module not found
#29 opened by yves67 - 4
- 3
pas de texte - ajoutez une entrée
#30 opened by yves67 - 7
#28 opened by aladin2000 - 37
Compteur triphasé
#2 opened by leboucher7 - 4
ADS device type is unknown: 28
#21 opened by bagnico - 4
- 2
Pas possible d'ajouter au dashboard
#13 opened by ConvarDeutschland - 8
Paramétrage avec le dashboard Energie
#18 opened by Skuair - 2
Support du mode standard
#15 opened by sebmourlhou - 2
deux points de trop HP.. et HC ..
#17 opened by sigalou - 17
Erreur après mise a jour de core
#14 opened by ConvarDeutschland - 6
Plusieurs Erreurs
#11 opened by baby-scarf - 2
Capteur « couleur demain » ne s’alimente jamais
#12 opened by clerelus - 7
Intégration qui s’arrête de fonctionner
#9 opened by vmaubert - 2
- 3
#7 opened by Binifada1956 - 9
Compatibilité module énergie
#1 opened by Makimax35