Tech-agnostic software engineer, I don't believe in technology, I'm just using the right tech stack to solve the right problems.
Pinned Repositories
Core docker functionality coded with golang to understand what is a container exactly, what is a cgroup, namespace and all the technical jargon involved.
@Cub3D @42born2code This project is a 3D game created from scratch written in C using an old graphic library mini-libx, presented with an old technology raycasting to make the 3D feeling looks pretty good
FDF is a 42 network curriculum project all about building a 2D/3D wireframe model using minilibx. Fdf is a fun project that will teach you all about line drawing algorithms and linear transformations
The popular C function printf which writes to the standard output some bunch of characters, no doubts any C developer on this earth have heard of it or used it to write something on the standard output, well in this 42 curriculum project you are going to re-code it completely from scratch.
Get next line is a 42 Network Cursus Project
Following up with rabbitmq documentation
This project is About Recoding BASH Commands Interpreter From Scratch with C Language
A webserver made to be similar to nginx, it's not a load balancer as it's not a reverse-proxy, the main purpose of this project is an http/1.1 server that's part of 42 projects, it's for educational purposes only and not meant for production use.
PushSwap is a 42 curriculum project all about creating your own sorting algorithm, you simply have 2 stacks and some limited methods you can use to sort your stacks with the least amount of moves possible, it may seem easy when you read that but in reality it isn't as easy as it may seem at the first glance!
hel-mefe's Repositories
A webserver made to be similar to nginx, it's not a load balancer as it's not a reverse-proxy, the main purpose of this project is an http/1.1 server that's part of 42 projects, it's for educational purposes only and not meant for production use.
FDF is a 42 network curriculum project all about building a 2D/3D wireframe model using minilibx. Fdf is a fun project that will teach you all about line drawing algorithms and linear transformations
PushSwap is a 42 curriculum project all about creating your own sorting algorithm, you simply have 2 stacks and some limited methods you can use to sort your stacks with the least amount of moves possible, it may seem easy when you read that but in reality it isn't as easy as it may seem at the first glance!
This project is About Recoding BASH Commands Interpreter From Scratch with C Language
Core docker functionality coded with golang to understand what is a container exactly, what is a cgroup, namespace and all the technical jargon involved.
@Cub3D @42born2code This project is a 3D game created from scratch written in C using an old graphic library mini-libx, presented with an old technology raycasting to make the 3D feeling looks pretty good
The popular C function printf which writes to the standard output some bunch of characters, no doubts any C developer on this earth have heard of it or used it to write something on the standard output, well in this 42 curriculum project you are going to re-code it completely from scratch.
Get next line is a 42 Network Cursus Project
Following up with rabbitmq documentation
The popular dining philosophers problem is 42 Network cursus project that will basically introduces you the concept of synchronization using both mutexes and semaphores in C.
This 42 curriculum project is an introductory to processes and pipes in unix os, it's about coding a program that behaves the same way the pipes work in the unix os bash
My work at the 42 Network Piscine.
Projects with RAG and Langchain to learn all about RAG and how it can help us to make AI Apps.
Anime stories is a simple web app made with ReactJS at the client side, and Golang at the backend side, graphql and rest are both used to communicate between the client and the server. postgresql is used as a databasae.
A repository to play with graphQL in django using Graphene the python implementation of GraphQL in django.
Our ft_transcendence made with vanilla javascript in the client-side, websockets for real-time games and graphql for the api communication. Of course, the whole app is containerized with Docker.
Playing with Gorm and MongoDB ....
Gorm playing with postgres
Microservices simulation with go and containerized with docker, RabbitMQ is used as a message broker, gRPC protocol also is used for speeding up communication between services.