
A library for setting up objects as relational data used with jasmine, mocha or qunit.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Factory Girl

port features from factory_girl in rails to nodejs



npm install 'factory_girl'


Define factory

var FactoryGirl = require('factory_girl'); // for nodejs
FactoryGirl.define('user', function() {
	this.id = Math.random()*101|0;
	this.title = 'That\'s awesome day';
	this.emotion = 'happy';

Using factories

	user = FactoryGirl.create('user'); // create instance user
	user.attributes(); // => {id: 1, title: 'That\'s awesome day', emotion: 'happy'}

It's possible to override the defined attributes by passing a json:

	user = FactoryGirl.create('user', {id: 2});
	user.attributes(); // => {id: 2, ....}
	FactoryGirl.attributesFor('user') // => {id: 1, ...}
	FactoryGirl.defined('user') // => true

Loading factories

When using node.js you can specify the path(s) to your factories, so FactoryGirl will autoload all factories in that paths

  FactoryGirl.definitionFilePaths = [__dirname + '/factories'];

* The path to the factories must be an Array and also must be relative to the current file


FactoryGirl.define('user', {alias: 'doctor'}, function () {
	// same above

FactoryGirl.create('user') is equal to FactoryGirl.create('doctor')

another thing is you can pass to array to alias {alias: ['doctor', 'patient']


FactoryGirl.define('doctor', {inherit: 'user'}, function() {
	this.id = 2;
	this.label = 'Dr';

var doctor = Factory.create('doctor');
doctor.attributes() // => {id: 2, title: 'That\'s awesome day', emotion: 'happy', label: 'Dr'}


FactoryGirl.hasOne(name[, factoryName] [, ref])
FactoryGirl.belongsTo(name[, factoryName] [, ref])
FactoryGirl.hasMany(name[, factoryName], num[, ref])

name: Factory's property name factoryName: Definition name of the related factory num: Number of related factories to be created ref: Foreign key attribute name


FactoryGirl.define('profile', function() {
	this.id = 2;
	this.label = 'Dr';

FactoryGirl.define('place', function() {
	this.id = 2;
	this.label = 'New York';

FactoryGirl.define('user', function() {
  this.id = 1;
  this.name = 'John';
  this.hasMany('places', 'place');

var profile = FactoryGirl.create('profile');
profile.attributes() // => {label: 'Dr'};
profile.toJSON() // => {id: 2, label: 'Dr', user_id: 1, user: {id: 1, title: 'That\'s awesome day', emotion: 'happy'}}

var place = FactoryGirl.create('place');
profile.toJSON() // => {id: 2, label: 'New York', user: {id: 1, place_id: 2, ...}}

Create Multi Object

FactoryGirl.createLists('user') => [{id: 1, ...}, {id: 23, ....}]


FactoryGirl.sequence('seq_name', function(id) {
	return 'name ' + id;

FactoryGirl.define('user', function () {
	this.sequence('seq_name', 'name');

var user = FactoryGirl.create('user');
user.toJSON() // => {name: 'name 1'}

var user2 = FactoryGirl.create('user');
user2.toJSON() // => {name: 'name 2'}