Mongo has changed their license so its package is not included anymore on main repository of Alpine Edge. This image adds mongodb and mongodb-tools to the Alpine Edge. Mongo tools are important to have mainly due to mongodump and mongorestore utilities. This repository is a modified fork of mvertes/alpine-mongo This repository contains Dockerfile for MongoDB 4.0.5 container, based on the Alpine edge image.
As a prerequisite, you need Docker to be installed.
To download this image from the public docker hub:
docker pull sounerd/alpine-mongo
To re-build this image from the dockerfile:
docker build -t sounerd/alpine-mongo .
To run mongod
docker run --detach --name mongo-test sounerd/alpine-mongo
You can also specify the database repository where to store the data with the volume -v option, and expose a TCP port with the -p option:
docker run --detach --name mongo-test -p 27017:27017 -v /somewhere/onmyhost/mydatabase:/data/db sounerd/alpine-mongo
To run a shell session:
docker exec -ti mongo-test /bin/ash
To use the mongo shell client:
docker exec -ti mongo-test mongo
Build from source
If you want to build it from scratch, clone this repository locally and build the image, optionally tagging it:
docker build --tag my-image-name:1.0 .
Then create and start the container:
docker run --detach --name mongo-test my-image-name:1.0
- On MacOSX, volumes located in a virtualbox shared folder are not supported, due to a limitation of virtualbox (default docker-machine driver) not supporting fsync().