
ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) Dockerfiles for trusted automated Docker builds

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Dockerized ELK stack (DEPRECATED)

This is a setup for Elasticsearch ELK stack using docker containers:

Docker builds:

And also for sending remote logs in a lightweight and secure way:


This repo stores the Dockerfiles for Docker automated trusted builds (see links above).

I started off using the pblittle/docker-logstash image which runs ELK through Logstash with embeded Elasticsearch and Kibana, but found performance issues in production so I decided to split into separate containers, while being as close to standard or default installation as possible.

Some of the other images I searched for were installing Java (requisite), using another unofficial base image or putting ELK in the same container. I wanted a clean Dockerfile, with official image based on Debian, so I made my own.

I chose to install from latest released tarballs instead of using distribution packaging systems. Elasticsearch is not the latest because each Logstash version has a recomended Elasticsearch version and I'm using the one for the latest Logstash (which is 1.4.2 as of now).


Even though I created these images as a part of one stack, they can be used independently. To know more about how to use this, read the documentation for each component:

I created an example setup with simple instructions using crane so you can try it out and develop from a working setup.


I gladly accept ideas and pull requests with improvements.