Flofus Logo

Flofus - React/Firebase/Material UI/Algolia

Flofus is an open source social network based on groups. You can apply to join, create and quit groups. Once you join a group you can chat in a messenger-like section with other members of the group. Built with React, Firebase, Material UI, Algolia.

Flofus Logo


  • Create / Apply to join / Leave groups
  • Full-text search (Algolia): By title, by description, by tags
  • Add banners to groups and stores in Firebase Storage (uses custom auth tokens)
  • Messenger-like chat with members - all in Firestore
  • Administrate group: ban, promote a member to admin, edit rules of the group and view applications
  • Real-time notifications: when a user applies to a group and when accepted
  • Profile management: edit own details and upload image avatar
  • Google, facebook auth and email/password login



  1. Clone the project git clone
  2. Run npm install && cd functions && npm install && cd ..
  3. Install Firebase CLI if you haven't already
    1. Create a project in firebase
    2. Run firebase init and follow instructions
  4. Create a .env file and fill in the following:
REACT_APP_AUTH_DOMAIN=[Your firebase project domain]
REACT_APP_DATABASE_URL=[Your firebase database url]
REACT_APP_PROJECT_ID=[Your firebase project id]
REACT_APP_STORAGE_BUCKET=[Your firebase storage bucket url]

REACT_APP_ALGOLIA_APP_ID=[Your algolia app id]
REACT_APP_ALGOLIA_SEARCH_KEY=[Your algolia search key]
REACT_APP_ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME=[Your algolia index name (you have to create one in your dashboard)]
  1. Firebase functions require a config of its own for some reason, but it's easy anyway. Run:
firebase functions:config:set algolia.api_key=[YOUR ALGOLIA API KEY] && \
firebase functions:config:set algolia.app_id=[YOUR ALGOLIA APP ID] && \
firebase functions:config:set algolia.index_name=[YOUR ALGOLIA INDEX NAME]
  1. Run npm start and enjoy


To set up Google auth and Facebook auth you need to activate it in the Firebase Auth section


Pull requests are welcome and much needed. For major changes though, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Priority: High

  • The last admin to leave a group should pass admin rights to another user
  • Subscribe to new messages when viewing groups to get real-time updates outside of the chat

Priority: Medium

  • Correct accessiblity bugs

Priority: Low

  • Refactor code with React Hooks (remove components)
  • Redo imports (warnings concerning unused imports)
  • Add redux store to manipulate data more easily

New feature ideas

  • Delete user data upon request
  • Push notifications
  • Upload images, video & audio in chat
  • Report groups
  • Site-wide administration
  • Email notifications
