
Graph crawling automata

Primary LanguageMojo


Graph crawling automata.

The main focus of this repo is walk-union graph update rules:

  • Start with a graph G.
  • Pick an origin node o in graph G.
  • Find all walks which start at node o, and repeat exactly one node.
  • Label the nodes for each walk [old label, substeps to reach].
  • Union all walks using the new labels to get the resulting graph G-o.

Nodes are considered self-edges by default. All edges are considered undirected by default. "Substep" means traversing one edge for every walk.

This gives a special asynchronous property:

  • the next step G-o1-o2 can be started once G-o1 has reached the substep which includes o2
  • choosing a stationary origin allows you to start steps more frequently


Image of a step 6 variant

Image of a step 6 variant