
✈️📅 Itinize is a full-stack web application for travelers who want to organize their travel plans.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


✈️📅 Itinize is a full-stack web application for travelers who want to organize their travel plans.

Live Demo

Try the application live at https://itinize.helen-choi.com

Technologies Used

  • React.js
  • Webpack 4
  • Babel
  • Bootstrap 4
  • dotenv
  • node-fetch
  • react-routers
  • Node.js
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • font-awesome
  • AWS EC2
  • PostgreSQL


  • Users can add a destination.
  • Users can view added destination(s).
  • Users can edit destination(s).
  • Users can delete destination(s).
  • Users can add itineraries.
  • Users can view itineraries.
  • Users can edit/delete itineraries.
  • Users can add flights.
  • Users can view flights.
  • Users can delete flights.
  • Users can add lodging.
  • Users can view lodgings.
  • Users can delete lodgings.


Add Destination Demo


System Requirements

  • Node.js 10 or higher
  • NPM 6 or higher
  • postgreSQL

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.

     git clone https://github.com/helen-choi/itinize.git
     cd itinize
  2. Install all dependencies with NPM.

     npm install
  3. Import the example database to postgreSQL

     sudo service postgresql start
     createdb itinize
     npm run db:import
  4. Start the project. Once you can view the application by opening http://localhost:3000 in your browser

     npm run dev