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lj-fuel is a modified version of LegacyFuel using PolyZones like NoPixel 3.0
Runs at ~ 0.00 to 0.01 ms if you have more optimization suggestions feel free to reach out
- IMPORTANT: Must rename ANY existing LegacyFuel exports to lj-fuel
- Remove this thread in qb-smallresources/client/ignore.lua
while true do
local ped = PlayerPedId()
local weapon = GetSelectedPedWeapon(ped)
if weapon ~= GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED") then
if IsPedArmed(ped, 6) then
DisableControlAction(1, 140, true)
DisableControlAction(1, 141, true)
DisableControlAction(1, 142, true)
if weapon == GetHashKey("WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER") or weapon == GetHashKey("WEAPON_PETROLCAN") then
if IsPedShooting(ped) then
SetPedInfiniteAmmo(ped, true, GetHashKey("WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER"))
SetPedInfiniteAmmo(ped, true, GetHashKey("WEAPON_PETROLCAN"))
(removes infinite jerry can and fire extinguisher ammo)
- Remove the following from your client side inventory lua file.
if weaponName == "weapon_petrolcan" or weaponName == "weapon_fireextinguisher" then
ammo = 4000
(removes jerry can and fire extinguisher refull when pulled from inventory)
- NoPixel style animation for refueling
- Gas station polyzone areas targeted with qb-target
- Fuel price is fully calulated before purchase including taxes
- Progressbar is synced with refueling amount left for vehicle
- Buy jerry can from pump
- Refuel jerry can from pump
- Engine chance to blow up
- Engine always running unless turned off
- optimize & refactor & change table & add new export - evanillaa
- Change exports back to qb-target
- Fixed qb-menu for new update
- Added option to have a chance of engine explosion while vehicle is left running
- Added option to have blips only show when close enough
- Added option to leave engine running
- Initial release
- ImpulseFPS for PolyZone and global tax idea original version
Please use the GitHub issues system to report issues or make suggestions, when making suggestion, please keep [Suggestion] in the title to make it clear that it is a suggestion.