
Using NodeJS framework Express

Primary LanguageTypeScript

API Rentolio

About the API

The basic instructions are the followings :

  • Rent a vehicle
  • Start and end date
  • Check if the vehicle is already rent or not
  • Can update or delete the rental
  • Cannot rent a vehicle concurrently
  • Can test the code

No frameworks imposed, so technologies used are :

  • Node JS
  • Express JS
  • TypeScript JS superset
  • Jest & Supertest for testing the code
  • Dotenv for environment variables
  • Helmet for API protection
  • Eslint for linter
  • PostgreSQL for DBSM

Versions used for this API:

  • For NodeJS 19.2.0
  • For PostgreSQL 15.0

Testing the API with :

  • Insomnia
  • VS Code extension REST Client

Get started

Steps to follow :

➡️ Clone the repository

➡️ Configure your environment variables : you'll find all variables needed on the file .env.example

The API works with a DBMS Postgresql

➡️ Download Postgresql for your OS on official documentation here :


➡️ Create your database, all functions and triggers needed with the data folder :

  • You can use Makefile file for migration and seed the database with :
make alldata


  • Or if you don't you can play the following commands (make sure you have the correct port and the correct path) :

For Windows

    psql -U postgres -p 5433 -f ./path/to/data/migration.sql
    psql -U postgres -p 5433 -f ./path/to/data/seed.sql

For Linux

sudo -iu postgres psql -p 5434 -f /path/to/data/migration.sql

sudo -iu postgres psql -p 5434 -f /path/to/data/migration.sql

➡️ Install all the dependencies

npm install

➡️ Run in development mode

npm run dev

➡️ Run in production mode

npm start



You'll find here all of the endpoints for the application.



Method Route Description Returns
GET --/users Fetch all users json object
POST --/users/signin User authentication json object


Method Route Description Returns
GET --/rentals Fetch all rentals json object
POST --/rentals Register a rental json object(message)
PATCH --/rentals/:rentalId Update a rental json object(message)
DELETE --/rentals/:rentalId Delete a rental json object(message)


Method Route Description Returns
GET --/vehicles Fetch all vehicles json object


The API takes about 2 hours (a little more) for being developed. Consider that user have to authenticate for making a rental, update or delete his rental. If a vehicle is not rent, a user can make multiple rentals.

To construct the short project, I use Merise method and Data models to create the base with Conceptual Data Model, Logical Data Model and Physical Data Model.


cdm & ldm




This project can be improved by implementing more options, like a counting for vehicles for making some statistics. We can also archive rentals for statistics, add more options on the rental, have an admin status that handle all rentals etc ..