This is the website and asset repository for the Rails Girls London website.
This app helps us run our local organisation.
- Visit our event page here:
- Sign up to our mailing list here:!forum/rails-girls-london
- Sign up here if you are interested in coaching:!forum/rails-girls-london-coaches
- @railsgirls_ldn on Twitter.
- Google+:
- Fork the repository
- Create your own branch git checkout -b mybranch
- Apply your changes
- Run
to verify that the tests are passing - Submit a pull request
Documentation should use Github-flavoured Markdown, but with explicit links.
We use Kippt for collecting resources. The mainpage dynamically pulls in resources from kippt if it's configured. If you'd like to see the links, either sign up for kippt yourself and configure it (look at config/kippt.yml.example for reference), or ask one of the core members for the username/token information. If you don't know what this means, feel free to ask or ignore it all together!
Please stick to Github's style guide
Make sure you have access to the Heroku app. One of the organisers can arrange that.
heroku git:remote -r production --app=railsgirlslondon
heroku git:remote -r staging --app=railsgirlslondon-staging
Since we are using Heroku, the deployment is done via a git push to the appropriate remote repository. Since doing it properly involves several steps, we have a Makefile for the deployment. This means you can just use make
to deploy:
git checkout staging
make deploy_staging
This will turn on maintenance mode for the staging app, add a tag for the release, push changes to the heroku app, run migrations and turn maintenance mode off again.
You can create a backup with:
make backup_production
make backup_staging
These commands will create a local copy of the PostgreSQL databases on Heroku.