Please do these steps before the event. If you have any problems, email
- Install Node 10 or newer
- Install Git
- Install VS Code
- Install these VS Code extensions: Prettier, ESLint, and React Code Snippets
- Click the green "Clone this template" button above.
- Enter a name and descripion for your repo. Click "Create Repository from Template"
- Open a command line to the directory where you cloned this repo.
- Run this command to install dependencies:
npm install
- Run this command to start the app:
npm start
- Load http://localhost:3000. You should see a spinning React logo.
- Load http://localhost:3001. You should see json-server's landing page.
If you did all the above, you're all set!
- Cory's React Courses on Pluralsight
- Interested in more training or consulting?
- I tweet about software as @housecor on Twitter