
Please do these steps before the event. If you have any problems, email

  1. Install Node 10 or newer
  2. Install Git
  3. Install VS Code
  4. Install these VS Code extensions: Prettier, ESLint, and React Code Snippets
  5. Click the green "Clone this template" button above.
  6. Enter a name and descripion for your repo. Click "Create Repository from Template"
  7. Open a command line to the directory where you cloned this repo.
  8. Run this command to install dependencies: npm install
  9. Run this command to start the app: npm start
  10. Load http://localhost:3000. You should see a spinning React logo.
  11. Load http://localhost:3001. You should see json-server's landing page.

If you did all the above, you're all set!

Keep in Touch!