RESTful Web Service using Node, Docker and JSON

This is a REST API created for a CS 612 assignment 5, using the technology of Node.js, Express.js ejs.js, Docker, and Json data.

Data Model:

The data are stored inside /companyList.json and /jobDescription.json. see more detail in data and api explain file

"name" : "google",
"position":"Software Developer",
"otherposition" : ["2","3"],
"date" : "12-5-2020",
"id": "01"
"name" : "Amazon",
"position":"Full Stack",
"otherposition" : ["1","5","6"],
"date" : "12-6-2020",
"id": "02"

API Endpoints

You can utilize two GET endpoints:

[1] / - homepage send out an html file

[2] /listApplied - returns the full JSON object

[3] /listApplied/id - returns a company user applied according to the company id requested

[4] /listApplied/id/otherpostions- returns the list of other postion that the company has

[5] /listApplied/id/otherpostions/jobid - returns the job discription matches the jobid requested, if the company dose not have that postion it return a error page

Setup Instructions:

[without Docker]

  • Clone or download the repo
  • cd into the project root directory
  • Run npm install to install all dependencies
  • Run node server to start to node server
  • Go to http://localhost:5000/ to start using the website

[with Docker]

  • Clone or download the repo
  • cd into the project root directory where it have the Dockerfile
  • Install Docker if you don't already have it: visit installation instructions for Mac or Windows
  • Run Docker:
    • Build your container: docker build -t [container-name] .
    • Start your container:
      • run without a volume: docker run -it -p 8080:5000 [container-name] OR
  • Go to http://localhost:8080/[endpoint] to view the data you want

see the video in youtube