Pinned issues
- 2
Feature request: possibility to define variables for plotting like aes(x, y, fill) in ggplot2
#41 opened by aito123 - 2
Legend deselect doesn't re-center custom series in a group (ECharts problem) - with solution
#40 opened by helgasoft - 3
Adding more information into bar race
#39 opened by MrMisc - 0
ECharts.js bugs list
#2 opened by helgasoft - 14
Code gists to the rescue
#3 opened by helgasoft - 4
How to make a 3d stacked bar chart?
#38 opened by kkami1115 - 2
#37 opened by antoine4ucsd - 5
Possible features: Including more information
#36 opened by MrMisc - 17
Combining pie chart with bar chart
#34 opened by MrMisc - 7
Is GL screenshot possible
#35 opened by Nithador - 3
Understanding formatter
#33 opened by MrMisc - 10
Features question
#32 opened by MrMisc - 5
Regarding geo plots
#29 opened by MrMisc - 8
- 3
Legend issue
#31 opened by MrMisc - 1
3d scatterplot animations
#27 opened by MrMisc - 1
- 0
Compressing sparse bars
#26 opened by helgasoft - 1
charts morphing
#17 opened by helgasoft - 2
idea for improving branding of echarty
#16 opened by lgnbhl - 2
No handler for mouseover
#25 opened by milesmedina - 3
- 3
Choropleth on categorical values
#14 opened by helgasoft - 2
- 7
Mute visualMap color on specific series elements
#22 opened by yogat3ch - 6
map with shapefile polylines or polygons
#10 opened by helgasoft - 1
replicate ECharts examples - polar
#19 opened by helgasoft - 3
- 6
Echarty and dendrogram
#4 opened by BigD7 - 2
- 5
Combinations of echarts4r and charty
#18 opened by rdatasculptor - 0
Changing result based on legend selection
#12 opened by helgasoft - 0
axis labels in scientific notation
#15 opened by helgasoft - 1
lollipop charts
#13 opened by helgasoft - 1
show percentages in a stacked bar chart
#11 opened by helgasoft - 2
ECharts + GL and mobile touch devices
#6 opened by helgasoft - 1
- 3
Grouping input data distorts parallel plot
#7 opened by yogat3ch - 4