
WordPress plugin: Make WooCommerce coupons require a set of products to be in the cart before being applied.

Primary LanguagePHP

WooCommerce Bundle Style Coupons

This is a fairly simple plugin that enables store owners to make a coupon only apply when all products required for it are in the cart. This plugin introduces a new checkbox when editing a coupon, that enables this new feature.

When you want to run a bundle deal, for three products, all those three products need to be in the cart before the coupon works. For example if you want to offer a 50% coupon for purchases of product x, product y and product z in a single order. Just a single checkbox enforces this new rule.

The stable releases of this plugin can be found on the WordPress.org plugin page, which also offers direct updates to your WordPress administration panel.


This is not the right channel for support requests. Please us the WordPress.org support forums for this plugin. Support requests posted in this repository will not be resolved, so please use the forums directly.


Contributions to the plugin are always welcome. You can file a pull request on this repository with the proposed changes. Translation files are also very welcome. Please always target the master branch for your pull requests, as that will hold the currently active development version, where your changes are most likely to be merged into.