ZooKeeper is an open source rendering framework. Currently supported are:
- Softimage, Mental Ray and RedShift
- Windows: 7+, 8.0, 8.1, 10.0
A) Installer package https://www.dropbox.com/s/2r6b5k0rivwgaa5/installers.zip?dl=0
- Install 01_git - right click 'Run as administrator', use all defaults
- Install 02_python-02.7.9, for all users
- Install 03_pywin...
- Install 04_psutil... (psutil might get caught as a trojan - but it's not :-))
- Install 05_mysql...
- Install 06_vcredist...
B) Environment variables
- PATH: C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts
- PYTHONPATH: C:\zookeeper
C) Within a command shell (cmd) type
pip install pyside
git clone https://github.com/helgemathee/zookeeper.git c:\zookeeper
If you get "git is an unknown command" or such, please use the GIT Cmd instead of the windows default CMD.
D) Shortcuts ( you can use the icon found in "C:\zookeeper\launchers")
- A shortcut on the desktop to "c:\zookeeper\launchers\ZooKeeperConfig.pyw" named "Config"
- A shortcut on the desktop to "c:\zookeeper\launchers\ZooKeeperManager.pyw" named "Manager"
- A shortcut on the desktop to "c:\zookeeper\launchers\ZooKeeperMunch.pyw" named "Munch"
E) Launch the local config tool
- Double click on "C:\zookeeper\launchers\ZooKeeperConfig.pyw" or use your new shortcut.
- Fill in all defaults correctly
- It's highly recommended to configure a scratch disc!
F) Softimage installation for submissions
- Connect to the workgroup C:\zookeeper\dccs\Softimage\Workgroup
- In the Scripting Preferences set Python as the scripting language and disable the checkbox "Use Python Installed with Softimage"
All tools for interacting with ZooKeeper can be found in the launchers folder of the installation (c:\zookeeper\launchers)
- UpdateInstallation: Pulls the toolset off Github and updates the current installation.
- ZooKeeperConfig: The configuration utility for the local client
- ZooKeeperManager: The render manager
- ZooKeeperMunch: The render client