
a simple demo using grunt to enable livereload and jshint in the front-end

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a simple demo using grunt to enable livereload and jshint in the front-end


###instructions first get the code and install the plugins:

  git clone https://github.com/helicese/grunt-livereload-demo
  cd grunt-livereload-demo
  npm install


  • grunt: to start the server and run the watch task
  • grunt cssmin: compress the css file
  • grunt uglify: compress the js file


This details really cost me a lot of time

  • Do not registe Task for the loaded plugins, which will make it unusable
  • in the path, there is no '/' at the beginning.
  • to enable livereload, a livereload plugin of the browser is needed and make sure it is switched on(the center circle of the icon be filled).

###references: http://www.gruntjs.net/





  • 三种格式:
files: [
        {src: ['src/bb.js', 'src/bbb.js'], dest: 'dest/b/', nonull: true},
        {src: ['src/bb1.js', 'src/bbb1.js'], dest: 'dest/b1/', filter: 'isFile'},
files : {
    'dest/hello.js' : ['src/*.js']

dest : 'dest/hello.js',
src : ['src/*.js']
  • 通配符:
    • *:匹配任意数量的字符,不包括/。
    • ?:匹配单个字符,不包括/。
    • **:匹配任意数量的字符,包括/。
    • {}:允许使用逗号分隔的列表,表示“or”(或)关系。
    • !:用于模式的开头,表示只返回不匹配的情况。
  • 动态构建文件对象:
    files: [
          expand: true,     // Enable dynamic expansion.
          cwd: 'lib/',      // Src matches are relative to this path.
          src: ['**/*.js'], // Actual pattern(s) to match.
          dest: 'build/',   // Destination path prefix.
          ext: '.min.js',   // Dest filepaths will have this extension.
          extDot: 'first'   // Extensions in filenames begin after the first dot


Run this task with the grunt connect command.

Note that this server only runs as long as grunt is running. Once grunt's tasks have completed, the web server stops. This behavior can be changed with the keepalive option, and can be enabled ad-hoc by running the task like grunt connect:keepalive.

This task was designed to be used in conjunction with another task that is run immediately afterwards, like the grunt-contrib-qunit plugin qunit task.

  • 功能:搭建一个本地connect服务器,使得livereload时并不需要借用其他工具来搭建服务器;
  • opinions:
    • hostname: 默认'',只要能和本机ping通都能访问,设定为'localhost'则只有本机能够访问
    • base: 静态服务器文件根目录,支持String, Array, Object;
    • keepalive: 默认为false,结果是运行结果服务器开启之后瞬间就关闭了(用于测试),将此opinion设置为true能让服务器一直运行下去,要注意keepalive会阻塞接下来的grunt任务,要谨慎使用;
    • livereload: 依赖于浏览器的livereload插件,只有和watch配合使用才有效果
  • Tips:
    • 根目录中有index.html时,访问服务器会直接链接到index.html,若没有index.html,则看到的是根目录下的目录结构(connect做得比较细腻的部分)
    • base的value为数组时,数组内为多个目录,若都有index.html,则文件索引为前面的文件夹优先级更高,若没index.html则文件夹索引为后面的文件夹优先级更高
    • 实现livereload时,keepalive应设置为false,由于watch的存在,grunt会一直处于执行状态,所以服务器不会终止,而keepalive若为true,则connect会一直阻塞,watch不会执行,livereload失败. 我的配置:
    connect: {
      options: {
        open: true,//let the browser run automatically
        port: 8000,
        hostname: 'localhost',//only this machine can access to the server
        livereload: 35729//the port for the watch task
      server: {
        options: {
          //base define the root directory of the server, default to be the root where Gruntfile.js exists.
          base: [
            'views' //the base path


  • 功能: 监控文件变化,做出相关反应;
  • opinions:
    • spawn: 链接里讲的很详细,不过我觉得没什么必要,直接设置成false就好;


  • 我的配置:
      javascript: {
        files: ['views/js/*.js', 'views/css/*.css','views/main.html'],
        tasks: ['jshint'],
        options: {
          spawn: false,//speed up the watch task
          livereload: '<%= connect.options.livereload %>'
      gruntfile: {
        files: 'Gruntfile.js',
        tasks: ['jshint'],
        options: {
          reload: true,
          spawn: false
  • 说明:这个plugin有两个task,javascript负责监控js文件变化并调用jshint工具来检测语法,gruntfile负责监测Gruntfile.js的变化,在变化后重启grunt任务。

##grunt-contrib-jshint 功能: 检测javascript语法~ 这个插件算是jshint工具的一个分支吧,很多内容可以参考jsHint官网,这里包含了常用的配置清单,可以根据这里的内容来配置出属于自己的jshint。 我的配置:

    eqeqeq: true, //要用严格相等运算符取代相等运算符
    trailing: true, //行尾不得有多余的空格
  src: ['views/js/*.js','*.js']

##grunt-contrib-cssmin 功能:压缩,合并css代码 我的配置:

    minify: {
        expand: true,
        cwd: 'views/css/',
        src: ['*.css', '!*.min.css'],
        dest: 'views/dest/css/',
        ext: '.min.css'

##grunt-contrib-uglify 功能:压缩javascript文件 我的配置:

uglify: {
  options: {
     banner: '/*! <%= pkg.name %> <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy-mm-dd") %> */\n'
  build: {
    expand: true,
    cwd: 'views/js',
    src: ['*.js', '!*.min.js'],
    dest: 'views/dest/js',
    ext: '.min.js'