
A project that will show you the top words of the giving websites. As a client you can see the top 100 words of a website of your choice and as an admin you can see the top words of every website that clients searched.

Primary LanguagePython

Word Cloud

This project will show you the top words that are surfing the web. As a client you can see the top 100 words of a website of your choice. As an admin you can see the top words of every website that clients searched.



In this project I use docker and docker-compose because I think it's the fastest way to run the project in every environ. If don't have this two installed, visit the official website

The following codes can be shorted but we use like this to prevent the error when te server starts before the db service


docker-compose up --no-start
docker-compose start db
docker-compose run --rm web python manage.py migrate
docker-compose start web



In the client just go to the home page and type a valid url on the input, after hitting submit you will see the top 100 words.


Create a super user

In the terminal on the root of the project run the command docker-compose run --rm web python manage.py createsuperuser and follow the instructions. After that, access to admin page on the /admin/, login and you will see the words menu with every word and its repetitions.