
A collection of methods to help Beaker scaffold SIMP acceptance tests

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


Methods to assist beaker acceptance tests for SIMP.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Setup
  3. General Enhancements
  4. Nodeset Enhancements
  5. Methods
  6. Environment variables
  7. Examples
  8. License



Beginning with simp-beaker-helpers

Add this to your project's Gemfile:

gem 'simp-beaker-helpers'

Add this to your project's spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb:

require 'simp/beaker_helpers'
include Simp::BeakerHelpers

General Enhancements


The 'beaker:suites' rake task provides the ability to run isolated test sets with a full reset of the Beaker environment.

These are entirely isolated runs of Beaker and have been designed to be used for situations where you need to eliminate all of the cruft from your previous runs to perform a new type of test.

Suite Execution

By default the only suite that will be executed is default. Since each suite is executed in a new environment, spin up can take a lot of time. Therefore, the default is to only run the default suite.

If there is a suite where the metadata contains default_run set to the Boolean true, then that suite will be part of the default suite execution.

You can run all suites by setting the passed suite name to ALL (case sensitive).

Environment Variables

  • BEAKER_suite_runall

    • Run all Suites
  • BEAKER_suite_basedir

    • The base directory where suites will be defined
    • Default: spec/acceptance

Global Suite Configuration

A file config.yml can be placed in the suites directory to control certain aspects of the suite run.

Supported Config:
# Fail the entire suite at the first failure
'fail_fast' : <true|false> => Default: true

Individual Suite Configuration

Each suite may contain a YAML file, metadata.yml, which will be used to provide information to the suite of tests.

Supported Config:
'name' : '<User friendly name for the suite>'

# Run this suite by default
'default_run' : <true|false> => Default: false

Nodeset Enhancements

YUM Repo Support

Nodes in your nodesets will create YUM repository entries according to the following Hash:

     <yum_resource_parameter>: <value>

The baseurl and gpgkey parameters can also take an Array if you need to point at more than one location.

This would look like the following:

       - http://some.random.host
       - https://some.other.random.host
       - https://my.gpg.host
       - https://my.other.gpg.host



Copies the local fixture modules (under spec/fixtures/modules) onto a list of SUTs.

copy_fixture_modules_to( suts = hosts, opts = {} )
  • suts = (Array,String) list of SUTs to copy modules to
  • opts = (Hash) Options passed on to copy_module_to() for each SUT

By default, this will copy modules to the first path listed in each SUT's modulepath and simulate a pluginsync so the Beaker DSL's facter_on will still work.

If you need to use a non-default module path:

# WARNING: this will use the same :target_module_dir for each SUT
copy_fixture_modules_to( hosts, {
   :target_module_dir => '/path/to/my/modules',

If you want to disable pluginsync:

# WARNING: `fact_on` will not see custom facts
copy_fixture_modules_to( hosts, {
   :pluginsync => false


Apply any OS fixes we need on each SUT fix_errata_on( suts = hosts )


Generate a fake openssl CA + certs for each host on a given SUT and copy the files back to a local directory.

NOTE: this needs to generate everything inside an SUT. It is assumed the SUT will have the appropriate openssl in its environment.

run_fake_pki_ca_on( ca_sut = master, suts = hosts, local_dir = '' )

  • ca_sut = the SUT to generate the CA & certs on
  • suts = list of SUTs to generate certs for
  • local_dir = local path where the CA+cert directory tree should copied back to


Copy a single SUT's PKI certs (with cacerts) onto the SUT. This simulates the result of pki::copy without requiring a full master and simp-pki module.

The directory structure copied to the SUT is:


copy_pki_to(sut, local_pki_dir, sut_base_dir = '/etc/pki/simp-testing')


Copy a CA keydist/ directory of CA+host certs into an SUT.

This simulates the output of FakeCA's gencerts_nopass.sh into keydist/ and is useful for constructing a Puppet master SUT that will distribute PKI keys via agent runs.

copy_keydist_to( ca_sut = master )


Look up a fact on a given SUT using the puppet fact face. This honors whatever facter-related settings the SUT's Puppet installation has been configured to use (i.e., factpath, stringify_facts, etc).

pfact_on( sut, fact_name )


Simulates a pluginsync (useful for deploying custom facts) on given SUTs.

pluginsync_on( suts = hosts )


Writes a YAML file in the Hiera :datadir of a Beaker::Host.

NOTE: This is useless unless Hiera is configured to use the data file. Beaker::DSL::Helpers::Hiera#write_hiera_config_on from beaker-hiera may be used to configure Hiera.

write_hieradata_to(host, hieradata, terminus = 'default')

  • host = (Array,String,Symbol) One or more hosts to act upon
  • hieradata = (Hash) The full hiera data structure to write to the system
  • terminus = (String) The file basename minus the file extension in which to write the Hiera data


Writes a YAML file in the Hiera :datdir of a Beaker::Host, then configures the host to use that file exclusively.

NOTE: This is authoritative; you cannot mix this with other Hiera data sources.

set_hieradata_on(host, hieradata, terminus = 'default')

  • host = (Array,String,Symbol) One or more hosts to act upon
  • hieradata = (Hash) The full hiera data structure to write to the system
  • terminus = (String) The file basename minus the file extension in which to write the Hiera data


Clean up all temporary hiera data files; meant to be called from after(:all)


Environment variables


(Default: no) When set to yes, Beaker will enable FIPS mode on all SUTs before running tests.

NOTE: FIPS mode is only enabled on RedHat family hosts.


(Default: yes) Ensures that each fixture module is present under spec/fixtures/modules. If any fixture modules are missing, it will run rake spec_prep to populate the missing modules using .fixtures.yml. Note that this will not update modules that are already present under spec/fixtures/modules.




The PUPPET_VERSION environment variable will install the latest puppet-agent package that provides that version of Puppet. This honors Gemfile-style expressions like "~> 4.8.0"


Prep OS, Generate and copy PKI certs to each SUT

This pattern serves to prepare component modules that use PKI

# spec/spec_acceptance_helpers.rb
require 'beaker-rspec'
require 'tmpdir'
require 'simp/beaker_helpers'
include Simp::BeakerHelpers

unless ENV['BEAKER_provision'] == 'no'
  hosts.each do |host|
    # Install Puppet
    if host.is_pe?

RSpec.configure do |c|
  # ensure that environment OS is ready on each host
  fix_errata_on hosts

  # Readable test descriptions
  c.formatter = :documentation

  # Configure all nodes in nodeset
  c.before :suite do
      # Install modules and dependencies from spec/fixtures/modules
      copy_fixture_modules_to( hosts )
      Dir.mktmpdir do |cert_dir|
        run_fake_pki_ca_on( default, hosts, cert_dir )
        hosts.each{ |host| copy_pki_to( host, cert_dir, '/etc/pki/simp-testing' )}
    rescue StandardError, ScriptError => e
      require 'pry'; binding.pry if ENV['PRY']

Specify the version of Puppet to run in the SUTs

# puppet-agent 1.8.3 will be installed in VMs
PUPPET_VERSION="~> 4.8.0" bundle exec rake beaker:suites

# puppet-agent 1.9.2 will be installed in VMs
PUPPET_INSTALL_VERSION=1.9.2 bundle exec rake beaker:suites

# puppet-agent 1.8.3 will be installed in VMs
bundle exec rake beaker:suites
