HIP 92: Correcting IOT Pre-mine Calculation Errors
hiptron opened this issue · 2 comments
HIP 92: Correcting IOT Premine Calculation Errors
- Author(s): @elontusk, @gradoj, @leogaggl
- Start Date: 2023-07-08
- Category: Economic
- Original HIP PR: 736
- Tracking Issue: 752
- Vote Requirements: veIOT Holders
Based on the specifications in Helium Docs, and in HIP 52 all Hotspots that were active, not on the denylist, and earned rewards from either beaconing, witnessing or passing rewardable data, were supposed to receive the IOT pre-mine at the migration.
This HIP proposes to correct for a coding error that left out all "Data Only" Hotspots, as well as an error in the selection process during the migration, which missed some active Hotspots with PoC rewards.
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HIP 92 is now up for vote. There are 7 days to vote
HIP 92 failed to obtain super-majority approval as it received only 40.8% of the vote and has been rejected.