- 0
Add MOBILE rewards transaction filter
#1088 opened by meowshka - 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots/cities/eGlueGlhbmcgc2hpaGVuYW4gc2hlbmdjaGluYQ
#1083 opened by wingsbox - 2
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots/cities/null
#1086 opened by JasonCheeSH - 2
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots/cities/null
#1087 opened by JasonCheeSH - 0
[Bug]: HS 112Kei4mT8AcPU7xGJzfKCFSmQdTPzVpxEimFFcBGDSPsQ7917yH is shown in an empty hex
#1079 opened by illumina23 - 0
Browser hexagons problem
#1082 opened by Alanllopart93 - 1
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/MXRJTlA6ATErcHTi57wijiOrlOQZQyQqW0ImXRse0kI
#1066 opened by Boubadinky - 0
[Bug]: Hex 882a8cd919fffff shows only 1 HS on the map when it should show 2
#1078 opened by illumina23 - 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots/cities/cmltb3Vza2lxdcOpYmVjY2FuYWRh
#1072 opened by daniellanglaisweb - 0
- 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/fs6cDY1LRJ2rmAiShMgWh5GSn5dagiTu0VmVSqfJzdY
#1065 opened by Boubadinky - 0
- 0
- 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots/cities/cGllZGVjdWVzdGFzYW50YW5kZXJjb2xvbWJpYQ
#1134 opened by Lizordz - 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/lUpzJwkFJ2TEmywsB1mrt3fOVQrHvWL-yJzo9oAgUY0
#1126 opened by Moodymue29 - 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots
#1129 opened by mirnegaar - 0
- 0
- 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/bR3AOzZ3Neq7frqOMu5jf7ZAMoR0K77kHqt9ZUwizTM
#1122 opened by omar-malek - 0
- 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots/latest
#1120 opened by lilsunny243 - 0
- 0
Did get my coin off helium network
#1117 opened by rsumrall74 - 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots/cities/2KfZhNix2YHYp9i52KfZhNmF2K3Yp9mB2LjYqSDYp9mE2KzZhtmI2KjZitipYmFocmFpbg
#1116 opened by AhmedAlbqmi - 0
- 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots/cities/Z3Jvw59rYXJsYmFjaHJoZWlubGFuZC1wZmFsemdlcm1hbnk
#1111 opened by lilsunny243 - 0
- 1
- 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots
#1104 opened by zlti-enterprize-llc - 3
- 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/oN6fsrISPrcpNZNnqs5nJozeO0L9i5GevzN-fZpr0qw
#1100 opened by Cooper9122 - 0
- 2
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots/cities/cG9sdGF2YXBvbHRhdnMna2Egb2JsYXN0dWtyYWluZQ
#1094 opened by P-A-R-U-S - 1
- 1
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /hotspots/cities/null
#1089 opened by JasonCheeSH - 1
Hotspot added to blockchain, but no witnesses nor beacons even if I intentionally put near an active hotspot
#1090 opened by JasonCheeSH - 0
Hex won’t get green
#1105 opened by kuchenbaecker - 0
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/-uzl1x7e7VmJBwopeOsAyE1eucLX7hqHwZ2L07wm6JU
#1113 opened by maninhammock - 1
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/N_iWc001T9AdZcS6RyqSAOUD-c276QknpRDknHHMD1Y
#1099 opened by Boubadinky - 1
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/sKLhECNNocrjD8lxzdi-5QgvnRv-Wiac2FU4dXEvoHw
#1098 opened by Boubadinky - 1
- 4
- 2
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/1GgDN_7UGBLx9YZmVe5JhGf8bYaK9Ns_Z0y7JJId82A
#1080 opened by Boubadinky - 2
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/g6ys2FrSNux2Y3qzPcENeHFXCDX702jO2TUGT5cEuVM
#1074 opened by Houssamforhelium - 1
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/WIm9tU2_Ru7ez576VNw2C2DV2TCzYAV4Jsa6EdqAwPI
#1076 opened by charlesiury - 1
- 1
[Bug]: 404 error at URL: /txns/0x4d473a7938e1517ea9a710a8604d00e94ea438caa46e1b8e5744de79608c040b
#1073 opened by baytraderman - 0
Hunt connect
#1067 opened by yoranom2 - 2
- 1
[Bug]: 404 hgtyj755hhhthhyyhy
#1068 opened by Saltyfly