- 0
error when compile ios app
#81 opened by ghaucience - 4
The different results of scanning QR code between Helium hotspot app and Helium maker-starter-app
#24 opened by ainno-chris-lin - 2
The assist asserting gateway location is unsuccessful during add a new hotspot
#27 opened by 63669733 - 1
- 0
Cannot run in android studio
#78 opened by Ding-Fan - 2
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[34], "@helium/react-native-sdk").SolanaProvider')
#65 opened by jackz123 - 1
- 3
TypeErrors & Unhandled Promises, when registering a transaction | (evaluating '_ref3.success') & (evaluating '')
#66 opened by TaffyJSA - 1
About api 429 error,and User-Agent set ?
#39 opened by edgardong - 9
- 1
Runtime error when opening page HotspotSetupExternalScreen.tsx (add an hotspot with QR onboarding)
#50 opened by LeoUbl - 6
Android build error: Execution failed for task ':helium_react-native-sdk:compileDebugKotlin'.
#48 opened by LeoUbl - 2
- 1
- 5
universal linking not working on android 12
#36 opened by ChunChiehKung - 1
QR code onboarding "Invalid Link" error
#35 opened by ChunChiehKung - 6
- 1
- 3
- 1
Hotspot BEL onboarding problem
#28 opened by ainno-chris-lin - 1
Update Assert Location Map
#14 opened by matthewcarlreetz - 2
Invalid link from transferring hotspot
#23 opened by ainno-chris-lin - 2
How to get keypair for API Authorization
#22 opened by estherlinlin - 0
visual bugg
#29 opened by 63669733 - 1
- 8
got an error when compile for android
#19 opened by lifei1245 - 3
#15 opened by matthewcarlreetz - 0
- 2
onboardType Web missing?
#13 opened by cokes518