
router combines a LoRaWAN Network Server with an API for console, and provides a proxy to the Helium blockchain

Primary LanguageErlangApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Helium Router Tests

Helium's LoRa Network Server (LNS) backend.


Running version docker exec -it helium_router cat /opt/router/router.version

Testing / Local

# Build
make docker-build

# Run
make docker-run

# Running tests
make docker-test

Optionally debug with sniffer to confirm router runtime behavior using a virtual LoRaWAN device and a software-based protocol sniffer.


Image hosted on https://quay.io/repository/team-helium/router.

The docker-compose in this repo is an example and only runs Router and metrics server (via prometheus) please see https://github.com/helium/console to run full LNS stack.

# Build
docker-compose build --force-rm

# Up
docker-compose up -d

# Down
docker-compose down

# Tail logs
docker-compose logs -f --tail=20

# Get in container
docker exec -it helium_router bash


Data is stored in /var/data.

WARNING: The swarm_key file in the blockchain directory is router's identity and linked to your OUI (and routing table). DO NOT DELETE THIS EVER.


Logs are contained in /var/data/log/router.log, by default logs will rotate every day and will remain for 7 days.


Config is in .env. See .env-template for details.

Full config is in config/sys.config.src.

Router's deafult port for blockchain connection is 2154.

Prometheus template config file in prometheus-template.yaml.


Commands are run in the routerv3 directory using a docker container.

NOTE: sudo may be required

docker exec -it helium_router _build/default/rel/router/bin/router [CMD]

Following commands are appending to the docker command above.

Device Worker device

All Devices

device all

Info for a single device

device --id=<id>
Id Option

--id Device IDs are binaries, but should be provided plainly.

# good
device --id=1234-5678-890
# bad
device --id=<<"1234-5678-890">>

Single Device Queue

device queue --id=<id>

ID Options

Clear Device's Queue

device queue clear --id=<id>

ID Options

Add to Device's Queue

device queue add --id=<id> [--payload=<content> --channel-name=<name> --port=<port> --ack]

--id ID Options --payload [default: "Test cli downlink message"] Set custom message for downlink to device.

--channel-name [default: "CLI custom channel"] Channel name Console will show for Integration.

--port [default: 1] Port to downlink on.

--ack [default: false] Boolean flag for requiring acknowledgement from the device.

Trace a device's logs

device trace --id=<id>

ID Options

Stop trancing device's logs

device trace stop --id=<id>

ID Options

Force XOR Filter push

device xor

XOR will only happen if --commit is used, otherwise it will be a dry run.

Organization organization

All Orgs

organization info all [--less 42] [--more 42]

--less <amount> Filter to Organizations that have a balance less than <amount>.

--more <amount> Filter to Organizations that have a balance more than <amount>.

Info for 1 Org

organization info <org_id>

Update Org Balance

organization update <org_id> -b <balance> [--commit]

-b Balance to update to

Balance update will only happen if --commit is used, otherwise it will be a dry run.

Integrations Data

Data payload example sent to integrations

    "type": "uplink / join",
    "replay": false,
    "id": "device_uuid",
    "name": "device_name",
    "dev_eui": "dev_eui",
    "app_eui": "app_eui",
    "metadata": {},
    "fcnt": 2,
    "reported_at": 1619562788361,
    "payload": "base64 encoded payload",
    "payload_size": 22,
    "raw_packet": "base64 encoded (full) lora packet",
     // ONLY if payload is decoded
    "decoded": {
        "status": "success | error",
        "error": "...",
        "payload": "..."
    "port": 1,
    "devaddr": "devaddr",
    "hotspots": [
            "id": "hotspot_id",
            "name": "hotspot name",
            "reported_at": 1619562788361,
            "hold_time": 250,
            "status": "success | error",
            "rssi": -30,
            "snr": 0.2,
            "spreading": "SF9BW125",
            "frequency": 923.3,
            "channel": 12,
            // WARNING: if the hotspot is not found (or asserted) in the chain the lat/long will come in as a string "unknown"
            "lat": 37.00001962582851,
            "long": -120.9000053210367
    "dc" : {
        "balance": 3000,
        "nonce": 2

Clearing a Device Queue from an Integration

If the payload_raw field is the base64 encoded value '__clear_downlink_queue__' any downlinks queued for that device will be removed.


Router includes metrics that can be retrieved via prometheus.

Enable metrics

To enable Router's metrics you will need to add a new container for Prometheus, you can find an example of the setup in any of the docker-compose files. You can also get a basic configuration for prometheus in prometheus-template.yml, more config here.

Available metrics

See include/metrics.hrl

Note that any histogram will include _count, _sum and _bucket.

Displaying metrics


Here are some of the most commun queries that can be added into grafana.

sum(rate(router_device_routing_packet_duration_count{type="packet", status="accepted"}[5m])) Rate of accepted packet.

rate(router_device_routing_offer_duration_sum{status="accepted"}[5m])/rate(router_device_routing_offer_duration_count{status="accepted"}[5m]) Time (in ms) to handle offer (accepted)

router_dc_balance{} Simple count of your Router's balance

sum(rate(router_console_api_duration_count{status="ok"}[5m])) / (sum(rate(router_console_api_duration_count{status="error"}[5m])) + sum(rate(router_console_api_duration_count{status="ok"}[5m]))) * 100 API success rate

Supported Lorawan Versions

  • 1.0.2
  • 1.0.3
  • 1.0.4

NOTE: Any further support or improvement will be done in https://github.com/helium/erlang-lorawan

Supported Countries/Frequencies



  • 902.3 MHz increment by 200 kHz
  • 903.0 MHz increment by 1600 kHz


  • 923.3 MHz increment by 600 kHz (RX1)
  • 923.3 MHz (RX2)



  • 915.2 MHz increment by 200 kHz
  • 915.9 MHz increment by 1600 kHz


  • 923.3 MHz increment by 600 kHz (RX1)
  • 923.3 MHz (RX2)



  • 867.1 MHz
  • 867.3 MHz
  • 867.5 MHz
  • 867.7 MHz
  • 867.9 MHz
  • 868.1 MHz (Join)
  • 868.3 MHz (Join)
  • 868.5 MHz (Join)


  • Same as uplink (RX1)
  • 869.525 MHz (RX2)
  • 923.2 MHz (Join)
  • 923.4 MHz (Join)
  • 923.6 MHz
  • 923.8 MHz
  • 924.0 MHz
  • 924.2 MHz
  • 924.4 MHz
AS923_1B (Malaysia)
  • 922.0 MHz
  • 922.2 MHz
  • 922.4 MHz
  • 922.6 MHz
  • 922.8 MHz
  • 923.2 MHz (Join)
  • 923.4 MHz (Join)
  • 921.4 MHz (Join)
  • 921.6 MHz (Join)
  • 921.8 MHz
  • 922.0 MHz
  • 922.2 MHz
  • 922.4 MHz
  • 922.6 MHz
  • 916.6 MHz (Join)
  • 916.8 Mhz (Join)
  • 917.0 MHz
  • 917.2 MHz
  • 917.4 MHz
  • 917.6 MHz
  • 917.8 MHz
  • 917.3 MHz (Join)
  • 917.5 Mhz (Join)
  • 917.7 MHz
  • 917.9 MHz
  • 918.1 MHz
  • 918.3 MHz
  • 918.5 MHz



  • 486.3 MHz (Join)
  • 486.5 MHz (Join)
  • 486.7 MHz (Join)
  • 486.9 MHz
  • 487.1 MHz
  • 487.3 MHz
  • 487.5 MHz
  • 487.7 MHz


  • 506.7 MHz increment by 200 kHz (RX1)
  • 505.3 MHz (RX2)
  • See code
  • See code