An educational app that teaches users about Helius and Solana development.
- 0
exploit: unlimited cNFT mints
#9 opened by Tidelaw - 5
[xnft] Wallet Address is not copyable
#30 opened by birdmanmandbir - 0
Text in 'Hint' sections is not copyable
#27 opened by de7215 - 1
- 2
Run button doesn't work on Python snippet
#26 opened by de7215 - 0
Copy button doesn't work on Python snippets
#25 opened by de7215 - 0
unlimited cNFT mints
#17 opened by Tidelaw - 4
Bug: Input box remains in error state in "Leaves on a Merkle Tree" tutorial
#13 opened by nathanzebedee - 3
Bug: User unable to navigate back to tutorials menu, page refresh resets app state
#14 opened by nathanzebedee