Compare TLS stacks

The goal of this repo is to test how well the tls stacks of utls and utls-light work with servers measured by ooni.

The intent is that of understanding if and how they break with certain TLS server configurations.

The checks can be run via:

go run compare-stacks.go

You can also pass in some flags:

go run compare-stacks.go -domains=domain-list.txt -parallelism=42

You will then have a CSV file with the following columns server_name,err_flags,err_tls,err_utls,err_utlslight,ts:

  • server_name is the domain name tested
  • err_flags is a bitmask with a flag set to 1 if the relative tls stack failed (x y z where the bit indicates if golang tls failed, utls failed or utls-light failed respectively, ex. 7 means they all failed, 4 means only utls-light failed)
  • err_tls is the error string, if present, for golang-tls
  • err_utls is the error string, if present, for utls
  • err_utlslight is the error string, if present, for utls-light