
Aviation Weather parsing engine. METAR & TAF

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AVWX: Aviation Weather for Humans

PyPI version Requirements Status Documentation Status License

AVWX logo


The easiest way to get started is to download the library from pypi using pip

pip install avwx-engine

Basic Usage

Reports use ICAO idents when specifying the desired station. Exceptions are thrown if a potentially invalid ident is given.

>>> import avwx
>>> metar = avwx.Metar('KJFK')
>>> metar.station_info.name
'John F Kennedy International Airport'
>>> metar.update()
>>> metar.data.flight_rules

You can learn more by reading the project documentation

Note: This library requires Python 3.6 or above


Download and install the source code and its development dependencies:

git clone github.com/avwx-rest/AVWX-Engine
cd AVWX-Engine
pip install -Ur requirements.txt

Code formatting should be handled by hooks in pre-commit. Before committing any code, be should to install pre-commit into the local git project:

pre-commit install


The easiest way to test the package is using the nox library, which is installed as a dev dependencies. It will manage all tests, sessions, supported versions (when available), and cleanup. The tests will pick up the local version of avwx.


If you want to run the tests directly, the test suite was built while using the pytest library, which is also installed as a dev dependency.


The end-to-end test files were generated using util/build_tests.py and placed into tests/{report}. Because Timestamp generation interprets the text based on the current date, Timestamp objects are nullified in the end-to-end tests.


AVWX uses Sphinx to build its documentation. It's just another install:

pip install sphinx

To build the docs:

cd docs
make html