YouTube Channel Audio / Video Scraper

This script enables the download all videos from a given YouTube channel and export the audio to mp3 and wav.

If you do not want to export audio to wav format, you'll have to set it to False in the code as there is no line argument for that.


In order to run this script, do the following:

  1. Create a virtual environment using virtualEnv, Pipenv or conda
  2. Install the requirements using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Do the PyTube fix (see instructions below)

How to run:

Simply use the following command: python3 <args> to run the script.
Args can be the following:

  • -f or --file if the channel URL is specified in a file. The default file name is link.txt
  • -p or --path to override the default file name.
  • -c or --channel to specify the channel URL directly inline.

PyTube fix:

In order to account for the new YouTube channel name starting with "@", you need to modify the file inside the pytube library.
Replace the channel_name() function code with this one:

def channel_name(url: str) -> str:
    """Extract the ``channel_name`` or ``channel_id`` from a YouTube url.

    This function supports the following patterns:

    - :samp:`{channel_name}/*`
    - :samp:`{channel_id}/*
    - :samp:`{channel_name}/*`
    - :samp:`{channel_id}/*
    - :samp:`{channel_name}/*`

    :param str url:
        A YouTube url containing a channel name.
    :rtype: str
        YouTube channel name.
    patterns = [
    for pattern in patterns:
        regex = re.compile(pattern)
        function_match =
        if function_match:
            logger.debug("finished regex search, matched: %s", pattern)
            uri_style =
            uri_identifier =
            return f'/{uri_style}/{uri_identifier}'

    raise RegexMatchError(
        caller="channel_name", pattern="patterns"