
This is my portfolio website.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Valentine Samoylov's personal website

This is my portfolio website where you can find my works and contact information.

Credits (In order of appearance)

This website made with Webpack React TS Boilerplate

React TS starter template with the most relevant tools and best development practices.


  • ⚛️ Supports React + TypeScript
  • 🔥 React Refresh (HMR) (Dev mode)
  • 🖌️ Supports styling with CSS-in-JS
    • 💅 Styled Components
    • ✨ Polished
  • 🔍 Source-maps for CSS and JS files (Dev mode)
  • 🗜️ Minification of HTML/CSS/JS files (Prod mode)
  • 🖼 Optimization of images with Sharp (Prod mode)
    • 🔁 Images can be converted to WEBP or AVIF formats (Prod mode)
  • ⭐ SVGR converts SVG into React components and inserts them as inline SVG into HTML.
  • 🧰 ESlint, Stylelint and Prettier
  • 🌐 Browserlist
  • 🪄 Babel transpiller
  • ⚙️ Support of environment variables (dotenv)
  • 🔬 Webpack Bundle Analyzer (Prod mode)
    • 📃 An HTML report file will be created in the reports folder.


To install dependencies:

yarn install

Start development mode:

yarn run start

Create production build:

yarn run build

Lint code:

yarn run lint

Format code with Prettier:

yarn run format