This is my portfolio website where you can find my works and contact information.
- Libraries: GSAP, React Icon Cloud, Swiper
- Main screen backgrounds images by Codioful(formerly Gradienta)
- Icons: Material Icons and Simple Icons
- Ukrainian Heart icon by Linector
This website made with Webpack React TS Boilerplate
React TS starter template with the most relevant tools and best development practices.
- ⚛️ Supports React + TypeScript
- 🔥 React Refresh (HMR) (Dev mode)
- 🖌️ Supports styling with CSS-in-JS
- 💅 Styled Components
- ✨ Polished
- 🔍 Source-maps for CSS and JS files (Dev mode)
- 🗜️ Minification of HTML/CSS/JS files (Prod mode)
- 🖼 Optimization of images with Sharp (Prod mode)
- 🔁 Images can be converted to WEBP or AVIF formats (Prod mode)
- ⭐ SVGR converts SVG into React components and inserts them as inline SVG into HTML.
- 🧰 ESlint, Stylelint and Prettier
- 🌐 Browserlist
- 🪄 Babel transpiller
- ⚙️ Support of environment variables (dotenv)
- 🔬 Webpack Bundle Analyzer (Prod mode)
- 📃 An HTML report file will be created in the reports folder.
To install dependencies:
yarn install
Start development mode:
yarn run start
Create production build:
yarn run build
Lint code:
yarn run lint
Format code with Prettier:
yarn run format