
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


imply-news: Data generator for a publisher

This simulates data for a news outlet. It has free and premium content, a subscribe page, clickbait (multi-page content), and affiliate outlinks.

The state machine is controlled by a transition matrix, this implementation does not use an external library.

While the possible states are always the same, different transition matrices can exist (to model the compelling switching event.) The entire configuration is in YAML format and is held in news_config.yml.

The transition matrices are organized as a dictionary, there should be an entry with key "default".

For secure Kafka (Confluent Cloud), you should create a file news_secret.yml in the main directory, which contains the bootstrap address and credentials for Confluent Cloud, like so:

    bootstrap.servers: "<bootstrap server>"
    security.protocol: "SASL_SSL"
    sasl.mechanisms: "PLAIN"
    sasl.username: "<API Key>"
    sasl.password: "<Secret>"

Settings in this section correspond directly with Kafka consumer properties.

This file is automatically included if it is present. Do not check secrets into Github.


Python packages:

  • Faker
  • confluent_kafka
  • scipy
  • mergedeep

Time envelope

The timeEnvelope setting must be an array of 24 values, each between 0 and 1000. These are relative data generation frequencies per hour of day. Frequency values will be interpolated using cubic splines, which is what scipy is used for.

Components of the news data generator


The generator script proper. It writes its result to Kafka, or in developer mode to standard output.

Invocation: python3 news_process.py [-h] [-d] [-q] -f CONFIG [-n]


-d - debug mode, create rich logging output to stderr
-q - quiet mode, don't write anything to stderr (usually it writes a '.' per click and a ':' per session)
-f CONFIG - config file, this is required
-n - write to stdout instead of Kafka, for testing. Kafka options are ignored

news_process.py handles the following signals:

  • SIGHUP triggers a configuration reread. Typically you would update news_dynamic.yml and then send SIGHUP to switch mode
  • SIGUSR1 is ignored and can be used as a heartbeat.


State values and transition matrices. This is a YAML file and has two subfiles that can be included:

  • news_secret.yml is for sensitive options such as Kafka API keys or passwords, overrides settings in main config file
  • news_dynamic.yml contains the mode (default or special, you can define more)


Driver script, handles mode selection.


Crontab for the default user (admin on Debian.) This will cause a drop in conversion rates 1x per week for a few hours. Install using crontab -e.


This is not strictly part of the project. It shows an example of a Pivot cube configuration with suggested dimensions and measures for the Imply News data set.