
Ruby Rails rent-a-cat

Primary LanguageRuby

99 Cats

A Ruby Rails project for renting cats, similar to 99 dresses. Visit: https://mighty-plateau-78555.herokuapp.com/cats

Registration and Login

Users are required to register and login to access all website features. Each user must have a unique password. Passwords are stored in encrypted form. Only one login (a single session) is currently allowed per user.

Add a Cat

Logged-in users may add a cat. Currently, a default image link is added to the database on create rather than allowing users to set their own images.

Update a Cat

A user who creates a cat may edit that cat's details. Other users may not.

Rent a Cat

Any logged-in user may rent a cat. If the request date conflicts with an existing approved request for that cat, the request will not be submitted.

Approval and Denial of Requests

A cat's owner may approve or deny any rental requests for their cats. If a pending request overlaps a request that is approved, the other pending request will be denied.

Deny Expired Requests

CatRentalRequest::cancel_expired_requests can be automated and run daily to deny any pending requests with a start date before the current date. Right now, it must be called manually, since automated requests contribute to using up the Heroku quota.