
This is a React based Server side rendering boilerplate.


Primary Tech stack

  • React: The primary UI library
  • Redux: Redux data flow
  • React-redux: Integrating React with Redux data flow
  • Redux-thunk: Redux middleware to support asynchronous operations
  • Redux-pack: Redux library to extend various stages (start, success, error, finish, always) of API calling
  • Express: NodeJS library to create server to serve the client UI
  • Webpack: Module bundler
  • SCSS: CSS pre-processor
  • Axios: Javascript library to make rest API call
  • React-helmet: React library to change header metadata and title

Features of this template

  • Complete UI architecture
  • Centralised API interceptor
  • Progressive web app (PWA)
  • Server side rendering (SSR)
  • Offline support with service worker
  • Code splitting
  • React hooks
  • React lazy to load the modules dynamically
  • Hot reloading for local development
  • React memo to stop redundant rendition
  • Error boundary to catch unexpected UI errors
  • Modular and functional programming paradigm used
  • Common and extensible config

How to run this template

First clone project and install dependencies

$ mkdir ProjectName && cd ProjectName
$ git clone
$ cd react-ssr-template
$ npm install

Navigate to News API and grab your API key.

Find config/default.js in root folder and update API Key.

  API_KEY: 'enter-your-api-key';

To run on local

$ npm run dev

Navigate to http://localhost:3000

To change the port, find config/default.js in root folder and update the port number.

  DEFAULT_DEV_PORT: 'enter-your-port-number';


Deployment build

$ npm run build:prod

You can deploy this project to:
