React The Complete Guide

Lab work for React The Complete Guide tutorial.

  1. Lab1a: writing first react code with codepen. Basic component with two react render call.
  2. Lab1b: writing first react code with codepen - refactor. This uses one hook and one react render call. This is far more common than the first way. Usually used for Single-Page-Application (SPA).

Why React?

  • UI state difficult for vanilla JS to handle
  • UI state-management much better
  • huge ecosystem and active community

JS Refresher

Refresher notes
Next generation JS summary

Build Workflow



sudo npm install -g create-react-app 

# cd into your working directory
create-react-app your-app-name --scripts-version 1.1.5


Components and JSX Cheat Sheet

Props and States

Props and state are CORE concepts of React. Actually, only changes in props and/ or state trigger React to re-render your components and potentially update the DOM in the browser.

Props let you pass date from parent (wrapping component) to child (embedded) component.

// AllPosts Component:

const posts = () => {
	return (
			<Post title="My First Post" />

// New Post Component

class NewPost extends Component { // state can only be accessed in class-based components!
    state = {
        counter: 1
    render () { // Needs to be implemented in class-based components! Needs to return some JSX!
        return (

props and state pdf